第一個當然是名詞之前,它們稱為attributive adjectives。大多數形容都是定語形容詞,修飾它們後面的名詞,例如:
He is an intelligent boy./That was a clever idea.
A large, round table/A large round table/A short, fair, pretty girl/
A short fair pretty girl
A black and white cow (NOT black white cow)/Red and blue socks
第二個位置位於繫動詞後面,叫表語形容詞。Predicative adjectives修飾繫動詞之前的名詞,例如:
Most students are happy./ She looked sad.
很多形容詞可作定語又可作表語,但有些只能作定語,例如previous,我們不會說This is previous。相反,很多表語形容詞不能作定語:
She is afraid./They are alike./He is alive./I am alone./ I am sorry./
I am sure./I am ready./ I am ill./I am awake./I am glad./He is asleep./ I am well./ He is ashamed.
The boy was handsome, smart and polite.
The clouds looked white and fluffy.
第三個位置,亦是最特別的位置,是置於名詞之後。有些形容詞本身可能也是定語或/及表語,但又可以是Postpositive adjectives,例子包括:
We have plenty of rooms available./There is nothing special.
留意以上的Nothing special。定語形容詞不會置於代詞之前,但Postpositive 可置於代詞之前。
那麼,有什麼形容詞只能作Postpositive adjective而不可定語或表語?除了這,英文在什麼情況下會置形容詞在名詞後呢?後者是一個有趣的問題。
膳食:spaghetti bolognese
宗教:God Almighty
銜頭:professor emeritus , poet laureate
機構:Alcoholics Anonymous
人名:Alexander the Great, Elizabeth the Second
法庭: court martial
第二種情況是詩意的表達,例如說things forgotton, words unspoken,故意將形容詞先名詞後的次序倒轉,是為了表達文學性。
第三種情況與第二種類似,都是文學作品的名稱,例如The Road not taken, The Matrix Reloaded, Paradise Lost。
這裡補充一點,雖然這篇主要是講形容詞,但事實上形容詞只是其中一種名詞修飾語。noun modifier不局限於形容詞,還有名詞、副詞、介詞片語、關係子句,甚至是限定詞等,其實都可修飾名詞,因此都是廣義的形容詞:
限定詞: This is a pen.
名詞: book club
介詞片語: the elephant in the room, mother-in-law
副詞: all the people here
關係子句: the woman whom you to talk to