2019年11月3日 星期日

所有dangling modifier都是錯嗎?

 要作好英文作文,要運用多元化的句子。除了寫簡單句(simple sentence),也要用複合句(Compound sentence),更重要是用複雜句(Complex sentence)。其中一種最常用的複雜句,是用分詞子句(participle clause)。分詞子句的分詞有兩種,一種是現在分詞(present participle),另一種是過去分詞(past participle)。例如: (1) Waiting for his wife, he played games in his mobile phone.(現在分詞子句) (2) Betrayed by her friend, she cried. (過去分詞子句) 這種複雜句有兩點要留意。第一,分詞子句的分詞,是現在分詞還是過去分詞,一定要用對。現在分詞是含主動意思的形容詞,過去分詞是含被動意思的形容詞。(1)句中的Waiting是主動意味的分詞,修飾he這個主語,因為wait是主動的,不會「被wait」。(2)句中的betrayed是修飾主語she,因為she「被背叛」,所以是被動意味的過去分詞。 第二點要留意的是,分詞子句的分詞,必需與主句中的主語配合。如果說: (3) Waiting for his wife, she called him. (4) Betrayed by her friend, her mother comforted her. 在(3)句中,waiting這現在分詞是修飾him的,但在句子中,變成了修飾she。在(4)句,本來是she「被背叛」,但變成了修飾her mother。這些錯誤的分詞,我們稱之為dangling modifier。 所以,要寫好分詞子句,就要避免這兩種錯誤:分詞是現在分詞還是過去分詞要分清楚,及分詞必需配合主語的主詞。 寫到這裡,要特別提到英文的例外:是否所有dangling modifier也錯呢?試看以下句子: (5) Judging from his CV, he is a jumpy employee. (6) Strictly speaking, he is not my father. (7) Taking the time he spent into consideration, he is very successful. (8) Regarding the food, Hong Kong is a good travel spot. 以上數句的分詞,都與主句中的主語不配合,但它們不是錯!原來這四句每一句都是隱藏了I think,以致它們本身其實是: (9) Judging from his CV, (I think) he is a jumpy employee. (10) Strictly speaking, (I think) he is not my father. (11) Taking the time he spent into consideration, (I think) he is very successful. (12) Regarding the food, (I think) Hong Kong is a good travel spot. 原來每句的現在分詞,都是在修飾說話者I,只是因為習慣,I think被隱藏,令那些現在分詞看似是dangling modifier! 總結來說,要寫好英文,大部分的dangling modifier要避免,但有些約定俗成的dangling modifier卻要懂得用!

